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This a photo of me, Janita. In the photo I have short, blunt brown-blonde hair, blue eyes, and I'm wearing a teal patterned blouse with ties in the front. Behind me is the muted green painted wall and an illustration of a dinner party table.


I'm a PhD candidate at the University of Toronto. I research how students, activists, producers, and educators reimagine food in institutional settings, and why they focus on the temporal aspects of growing and eating food in increasingly changing landscapes. My dissertation research is supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) and the Wenner-Gren Foundation.


I am currently the Reviews Editor for Gastronomica: The Journal of Food Studies. I have also been a Contributing and Section Editor of Member Voices in Fieldsights, hosted by the Society for Cultural Anthropology (SCA).

I am a passionate educator and have developed pedagogical tools and strategies for teaching anthropology through cooking and eating food in seminar settings and the Culinaria Kitchen Lab at the University of Toronto Scarborough.


To contact me about my editing services, visit my Contact page. 



PhD, University of Toronto

Socio-cultural Anthropology with a collaborative specialization in Food Studies at the Culinaria Research Centre. Supervised by Dr. Shiho Satsuka.


Master of Arts, York University


Bachelor of Arts (Honours),

York University

Social Anthropology. Supervised by Drs. Teresa Holmes and Kenneth Little. 

Sociocultural Anthropology. Graduated on the Dean's Honours Roll, Summa cum laude

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