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This image was taken on 35mm film. There is a lot of grain to the photo, which depcts a picnic blanket covered in shared foods, like peaches, lemon ricotta cheese, salumi, cherry tomatoes, apricots, the stem of grapes, a wine opener, and a hint of some plastic cutlery and a glass full of deep yellow and hazy natural wine.


As an educator in higher education, I have worked as a Course Instructor and guest lecturer. I also have developed syllabi and created teaching activities to guide students through the anthropology of food. 


On this page, I include samples of syllabi and teaching exercises I've created or collaborated on with other instructors.

Course  |  "Making Sense of a Changing World"

Introduction to Anthropology course; syllabus re-developed and taught Fall 2022 at York University (Toronto, Canada)

Sample Syllabus |  "Weedy Anthropology: Agriculture, Environment, and the Politics of the Peripheral"

Sample syllabus, lesson plans, and final assignment, co-developed with Caroline E. Schuster for Fieldsights, and intended for an upper-year undergraduate course or graduate seminar. 

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