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This photo was taken on 35mm film. It depicts several people hand-harvesting varieties of wheat near the boundary of the Alps. Behind the field are hoop houses full of produce, and the tree covered hills of this part of Piedmont. A young woman in the photo, wearing a long-sleeved white shirt. black bicycle shorts, and a white baseball cap holds a small scythe in her right hand, and her left hand is held high, pulling up a bunch of cut wheat while an older man in a white t-shirt and red baseball cap observes on her progress.


Here you'll find resources I've created related to teaching anthropology, food studies pedagogy, academic reviewing, among others. 

Teaching slides and lecture materials designed to help students work through all aspects of writing a research paper. 

Food x Anthro: Using Social Media as an Educational Tool




Don't know where to start? These materials suggest strategies for developing an evaluative voice and goal when reviewing academic texts. 

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